Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Top 10 Apollo Hoax Theories


By Robert Myers and Robert Pearlman

In the early days of the Cold War, three men claim they were chosen by a powerful new government agency to undertake a historically perilous journey. They claim this well-funded operation was staffed with the best scientists and engineers using technology pioneered by the Nazis, and they created the most powerful machine ever built.

In July of 1969, they claim, they climbed aboard an enormous rocket assembled in a Florida swamp, and were sent hurtling at incredible speeds into the sky … all the way to the Moon! Two of them even claim they landed on the Moon, got out, and walked around!

And what prize did they bring back from this momentous journey? Well … they have a bunch of black and white photos of unidentifiable persons in bulky white spacemen costumes in a field of gravel (but curiously without any stars in the black sky) -- and several bags of gray, dusty rocks.

Put that way, the story of the Apollo program can sound pretty far-fetched.

But why should we believe the stories? What evidence is there, really, that the Apollo program landed men on the Moon and brought them back?

Phil Plait, an astronomer at Sonoma University in California, and the Web master of, has his reasons.

If I were trying to fake this, I would put stars in the image," he said referring to the complaint made by hoax proponents that the Apollo photos lack stars. If this had been an oversight, he said, it's an amazingly stupid thing to have forgotten, considering the scope of the "hoax."

Not to mention that with the way cameras work, photographing stars under those conditions would have been nearly impossible.

"If you do know about physics and photographs, you can see these arguments are all ridiculous," Plait said.

So why do people even give an idea like this a second thought?

"I'm not exactly sure," said Plait, "Michael Shermer is a renowned skeptic… and he has a list of reasons (such as) we have an innate thing inside of our brain, we have a need to believe."

"But one thing he leaves off, is that some of these things are just believable. If you don't know much physics, these arguments might sound convincing."

Besides, Plait says the political realities of the time would have made a fraud of that scale almost impossible to pull off.

"We went to the moon to beat the Soviets. If the Soviets had suspected that we faked these missions in any way, they would have been screaming at the top of their lungs."

Number 10: Apollo Hoax Theories: Fluttering Flag

The Claim: The American flag appears to wave in the lunar wind.

The Science: If you look closely, you will notice the flag's edges are pulled taut. This effect, which was done purposely as to not allow the flag to just hang flat, it was created by inserting a stiff wire into the fabric. The "flutter" was created as the astronauts worked to erect the flag. As the wire was adjusted, "Old Glory" appeared to wave.

Number 9: Apollo Hoax Theories: Glow-in-the-Dark Astronauts

The Claim: If the astronauts had left the safety of the Van Allen Belt the radiation would have killed them.

The Science: The Van Allen Belts are created by Earth's magnetic field, and protect the planet from dangerous solar radiation. The belts collects this radiation, and traps it in a layer surrounding the Earth. But unless you deliberately caused your spaceship to hover within this layer, for many hours or days, the radiation exposure is well below dangerous levels. The Apollo astronauts passed through the Belts in less than four hours total for the trip. "It's not much more serious than getting a chest x-ray," said Plait. Outside the belt, the radiation drops to low levels that are only dangerous over extremely long periods of time.

Number 8: Apollo Hoax Theories: The Shadow Knows

The Claim: Multiple-angle shadows in the Moon photos prove there was more than one source of light, like a large studio lamp.

The Science: The astronauts were taking their photos on a hilly, brightly-lit landscape while the Sun was close to the horizon. Imagine taking a photograph of someone on a rolling, uneven field of snow during a full, low-hanging Moon. The contours of the ground would produce shadows of many different lengths.

Number 7: Apollo Hoax Theories: Fried Film

The Claim: In the Sun, the Moon's temperature is toasty 280 degrees F. The film (among other things) would have melted.

The Science: No one was leaving bare film out on the hot lunar surface. All material was contained in protective canisters. In addition, at the time the Apollo missions landed, they were either at lunar dawn or dusk. As a result, the temperature was more easily manageable.

Number 6: Apollo Hoax Theories: Liquid Water on the Moon

The Claim: To leave a footprint requires moisture in the soil, doesn't it?

The Science: Not always. If you take some dry fine-grained dust such as talcum powder and dump it out, it's easy to make tracks in it that hold their shape. The particles hold their positions due to the friction between them.

Number 5: Apollo Hoax Theories: Death by Meteor

The Claim: Space is filled with super-fast micro meteors that would punch through the ship and kill the astronauts.

The Science: Space is really amazingly big. While there are indeed an uncountable number of tiny pieces of debris travelling through the Solar System at speeds in the neighborhood of 120,000MPH, the volume of space keeps the density low. The chance of any given cubic yard of space having a micro-meteor passing through it is incredibly close to zero. Additionally, the astronauts suits included a layer of kevlar to protect them from any tiny fragment they might encounter.

Number 4: Apollo Hoax Theories: No Crater at Landing Site

The Claim: When the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) landed, its powerful engine didn't burrow a deep crater in the "dusty surface."

The Science: Beneath the layer of dust, the Moon is made of fairly densely-packed rock. What dust and loose dirt there was though, was "kicked up" as referenced by the astronauts and captured in their landing films.

Number 3: Apollo Hoax Theories: Phantom Cameraman

The Claim: How come in that one video of the LEM leaving the surface, the camera follows it up into the sky? Who was running that camera?

The Science: The camera was controlled remotely from Earth.

Number 2: Apollo Hoax Theories: Big Rover

The Claim: There's no way that big moon buggy they were driving could have fit into that little landing module!

The Science: The rover was very cleverly constructed to be made out of very light materials, and designed to fold up to about the size of a large suitcase.

Number 1: Apollo Hoax Theories: Its Full of Stars!

The Claim: Space is littered with little points of lights (stars). Why then are they missing from the photographs?

The Science: If you've ever taken a photograph outside at night, you'll notice that faint distant objects don't show up. That's not because the air blocks them -- it's because the brightness of the nearby objects washes out the film. In fact if you were standing on the day side of the Moon, you'd have to somehow block the landscape out in order for your eyes to adapt enough to pick out the stars.

Source :

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Global Warming Myth - Your 2008 Year-in-Review


By Michael Duvinak

The global warming hoax has proved to be, if nothing else, a topic that should be openly debated instead of being considered off-limits by the climate change activists. Over the last year, I’ve compiled well over 1500 news articles that portray global warming an an inexact science at best and its proponents as being tax-seeking and lifestyle-controlling and, all the while, sometimes even displaying their own hypocrisy and arrogance. Enjoy the year-in-review.

So what about the weather? I know specific weather events do not make climate, even though global warming alarmists do use this to their advantage when it comes to floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados and the like (see Hoaxers Using Weather Inaccurately to Promote Cause). Let’s take a look back at some weather events from the last year. But before we do that, have a look at this Reuters article that claimed 2008 would be in the top 10 warmest years: 2008 to be in top 10 warmest years say forecasters and, conversely, an article that says just the opposite: Scientists Expect a Cooler 2008. And, by year’s end, Australia had the coldest August in 35 years, A town in South Africa had the coldest September night - ever, Denver set two record lows, Charlotte had the coldest November in 32 years and record cold hit Montana. And that’s just from the last page of my cold weather posts. How about more weather posts?

Latest Storm Gives Kansas Foot of Snow

Big Winter Storm Pummels Northeast

2007 One of Coldest Years in Decades, and yet the alarmists call it one of the warmest.

Record Snowfall in Denver on Christmas, and Denver had record cold this December. Remarkable!

New Hampshire Breaks 131 Year-Old December Snow Record. I think I’m starting to see a trend.

Snow in Florida? Would I Kid You? Weather does not equate to climate, folks. :)

Southern Farmers Fret As Cold Sets In But it certainly helps when the weather is freezing everywhere.

Snow Flurries Reported in Daytona Beach

California Mountains Under 5 Feet of Snow

A First! Snow Falls in Baghdad

Up To A Foot of Snow in Boston

China Issues Red Alert for Snowstorms

Jerusalem blanketed with heavy snow

January Cooler than Average

Madison Wisconsin to have Snowiest Winter on Record

Winter carnival activities canceled (too much snow!!)

Cool Summer in Sydney

Record Snow Buries Columbus

Quebec children get holiday as snow piles on roofs

Technically It’s Spring, But Huge Snowstorm Coming

It’s a record year for snowfall

March 52nd Coolest on Record

Cold Temperatures Freeze Gardening

Storm Sets More Records as Mercury Plunges to Eight Below

Idaho Extends Ski Season into May

Anchorage digs out after record snowfall

May blizzard shuts down parts of South Dakota

April Coolest in 11 Years

Memorial Day: Time for Hot Dogs, BBQ and … Snow?

One of the Coolest U.S. Springs on Record

Charlotte Hits 123 Year Low Temperature

Iowans Won’t Have Sweet Corn for Fourth (spring too cold and wet!)

Alaska Experiences Normal Summer

Chicago Experiences Coolest Decade of Summers…Since 1930

Patchy Frost Forecast for Minnesota, Wisconsin This Weekend (in August)

More Frost Warnings: Oregon and California (in August)

New Zealand Temperatures 0.2 Degrees Cooler in August

Australia Coldest August in 35 Years

August Temperatures Dip Slightly

2008 Coolest in Five Years

Durban, South Africa Experiences Coldest September Night…Ever

Ireland Experiences Coldest September in 14 Years

Wyoming in for Winter Storm - in Early Autumn

And speaking of weather, let’s not forget the Gore Effect. It seemed in 2008 that every time some big global warming event took place, extreme weather followed:

Protesters Could Use Some Global Warming

Gore Brings Cold Temperatures to Cambridge

Brrrrrr! Too Cold for Global Warming Relay

Students Brave Cold on Bikes to Raise Climate Change Awareness

Global Warming Protestors Brave Unseasonable Cold

Gore Effect as Britain Debates Global Warming Bill

Gore Effect in Italy

And, of course, we learned about all of the things that global warming causes over the last year:


Surge in fatal shark attacks

Water-Borne Disease

Birds Laying Eggs Early

Tomato Salmonella Outbreak

Rain and More Rain

Tree Death

Plane Crashes

Ocean ‘Deserts’

Jellyfish Outbreak

Collapse of Dublin’s Bridge

Whale Blubber Loss

Shellfish Invasion

Australian Cooling

Growing Glaciers (you can’t make this stuff up, folks!)

Confused Coral

Kidney Stones

Extreme Waves

China Snowstorms


Bad Blood



Increased Insurance Rates

High Gas Prices

Penguin Decline

Killing Amphibians (or maybe not): Frogs Not Dying From Global Warming Afterall

Hinders Fight Against Poverty

Fewer Hurricanes

More Intense Hurricanes

Midwest Floods Caused by Global Warming. Maybe Not.

Hurricane Ike

Food Quality


Increased Sea Salinity

Disruption in Swan Migrations

Snake Invasions

Truffle Trouble

Extended Allergy Season

Earlier Spring

Possum Extinction

Refugee Surge

Natural Disasters


Fall of Empires

And don’t forget to check out The Big List of Things Caused by Global Warming.

And all the things that cause global warming:

Clean Air




Plasma and LCD TVs

Solar Panels


Nature, Part Two

Being Fat

Not Finishing Your Food

Television Ads






What about taxes and lifestyle changes? After all, I’m a firm believer that the whole global warming hoax is based around taking your hard-earned money and controlling your lifestyle. What have we learned over the last year about these subjects?

First, the lifestyle changes:

Liberty, Incandescent Lightbulbs and the Global Warming Hoax

Massachusetts Passes Energy Bill

No HOV Lanes for Carbon Credit Holders

Muscle cars are dead

London to Charge $50 to Drive SUV

Motivated by a Tax, Irish Spurn Plastic Bags

Slow Down to Save the World!

Global Warming Statists Threaten Our Liberty

WaPo Demands Huge Changes in Every Aspect of Your Daily Life

Want to Go Green? Leave the Cows Alone

Incandescent 150W Bulbs Phased Out; 100W Bulbs Next

California Wants to Control Residential Thermostats by Remote Control

Turn off your AC to Save the World

Drink Less Milk to Save the World

Lights Out in Manila Tonight

Ted Turner: There are Too Many People

And now, the taxes:

Advisory Group Suggests Raising B.C. Carbon Tax After 2012

Australian Carbon Tax Proposed

Australian New Cars May Be Hit With Carbon Tax at Sale

Australian Carbon Tax Could Bankrupt Zinc Miners

City of Portland Planning Carbon Tax

Double Whammy! Canadian Carbon Tax Could Drive Fuel Higher

First U.S.-Based Cap-and-Trade Program Launches Today

James Hansen’s Carbon Tax Proposal

John McCain Threatens Economy with Global Warming Plan

Los Angeles Considers Global Warming Tax

Michigan Congressman Wants 50-Cent Tax Hike on Every Gallon of Gas

New Zealand Government’s Windfall Profits Carbon Tax

New Zealand Proposes Carbon Tax in Car Imports

Shipping carbon tax costs will fall on consumers

The Carbon Tax Will be a Cash Cow

What Would a Carbon Tax Do To Gas Prices?

Bill Clinton Praises BC Carbon Tax

Carbon Tax will Hurt Who? The Poor

Farmers Face Flatulence Fee

EPA Proposes Livestock Tax

Speaking of gasoline, the global warming alarmists were big on ethanol mandates this year which, quite frankly, caused food prices to skyrocket. The same group of individuals that vowed to protect the poor and sick only hurt them as food riots broke out.

Al Gore’s Greendom Starving The Poor

Burning Our Food

Climate Change Hinders Fight Against Poverty

Corn Hits $6 a Bushel on Tight Supplies

Corn Prices Set New Record

Promotion of Ethanol Contributed to Food Crisis

Food Costs Rising Fastest in 17 Years

Fuel From Food? Bad Idea

Surging costs of groceries hit home

The Case Against Ethanol

The Importance of the Corn Economy

Will Media Remember Gore’s Tie-Breaking Vote for Ethanol in 1994?

Rising food costs due to Ethanol Boondoggle

Backlash over Biofuels: ‘Crime Against Humanity’

British Cutting Biofuel Production to Save Food Prices

Environmentalists - Death, Poverty, Destruction, Food Riots

Era of Cheap Food Ends as Prices Soar

Global Food Crisis: Corn to Fuel Cars Thanks to Global Warming Hoax

Inconvenient Truth: People Will Go Hungry

Indian Minister Attacks Bio-Fuels

Often Forgotten, Seldom Fed

Political crisis ‘puts the poor at risk of starving’

Will that be food or fuel?

Let’s take a look at some of the Al Gore follies from the past year:

$300 Million to Promote a Scam

Al Gore Admits he Makes Money From His Global Warming Fear Mongering

Al Gore Coast-to-Coast This Week

Eco-Messiah Al Gore Continues To Ignore Contrary Scientific Evidence; Still Preaches To The Choir

Give It Back! Gore’s Nobel May Be Illegal

French Author: Al Gore a “Crook”

Fear-Mongering Gore Causes High Gas Prices

Global Warming Hoax Has Been Good to Al Gore

Gore Calls for Breaking the Law to Fight Global Warming

Gore’s Home Energy Use Could Power 232 American Homes

Gore’s Inconvenient Lifestyle Exposed

Gore’s Lifestyle a Hot Topic for Skeptics

Meet the Meat: Al Gore’s Diet

Nobel Prize for Death

The errors in Al Gore’s movie

What Al Gore Thinks of People Like Me

Why Won’t Al Gore Debate?

Campaign to Sue Al Gore Gains Support

Al Gore on 60 Minutes: Skeptics like Flat-Earthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers

And just how are we and our children indoctrinated into the global warming religion?

Al Gore Ministries Continues Indoctrination

California State Senate Approves New Global Warming Curriculum

Colleges plot global warming indoctrination

Convenient Indoctrination of Our Youth

Earth Hour’s soft fascism

Have Yourself a Green Hallowe’en!

Kids Fight Against AGW Indoctrination

Oklahoma Kindergartners Write Book on Going Green

Schools Receive Climate Change Packs

Senate bill requires textbooks to teach global warming

The Indoctrination of Global Warming Begins

All in all, 2008 has been better for skeptics than warming alarmists. With cold temperatures blanketing the globe during the Winter of 2007 and so far in the Winter of 2008, and planetary temperatures continuing their fall from their most recent high in 1998 even as greenhouse gas emissions rise, the evidence against anthropogenic sources of global warming mounts. But, as many of us know from experiences during our lifetimes, if one tells a lie enough, it becomes truth. I want to keep showing the lies here at Skeptics Global Warming and ensure that they do not become truth. Thank you for visiting during the course of the year. I look forward to another exciting 12 months of spreading the real truth about global warming.

Source : Skeptics Global Warming

The Hundred Years Climate War ?



'All We Have To Fear Is Air Itself '


League of Nations Scientists Warn Of Catastrophe

If Hoover Re-elected

Forget the 1938 Hurricane, the Dust Bowl or the threat of climate change by the ozone devouring Niton Ray of art deco Eco-terrorist Ming the Merciless of Mongo. Years before them , The New York Times rendered The Great Depression more depressing still with the cheerful forecast of the shape of things to come that follows--

This is not a parody. The Climate Wars will indeed turn 100 in 25 years :

'The Earth is steadily growing warmer. As all the ice at the two poles melts a stupendous volume of water will be released.

'The Earth is steadily growing warmer. As all the ice at the two poles melts a stupendous volume of water will be released.

Fish will swim in Buckingham Palace...New York will be marked by the...taller skyscrapers as they jut out of the water...the when dinosaurs roamed the earth and dense jungles...grew in...Canada.

Palms and alligators would flourish at the poles's food supply will not is a question if he will survive '

-- The New York Times..May 15, 1932

Here's the whole thing, direct from The Times archive :

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